Wedding Favours

Oh dear.
It is clear to me that I need to figure out better ways of taking pictures of my work.
For now though I think I need Something to show that I did, in fact, attend my very first wedding fayre on Thursday and people really did like what I produced.


Well, I think they did.
They took my flyers, did they visit my empty website?
Honest injun (a old, silly, family saying. I don’t know why we said it) I am working on better pictures.

I wanna be a potter!


I wanna be a potter!

Ok, so, I can’t throw.

That is to to say, I can throw. I can throw a ball, I can throw a mean huff. Some would say I can throw a fantastic temper tantrum! Dont ask my husband, or my children for that matter. I taught them all they know 😉

But it seems to me, to be the definition of a potter, you gotta throw a pot.

Its that centering! boy I try, I really do! But that’s where you will have witnessed a few of the other things I throw. Sigh

The things is, I have thrown pots. Whilst at college. My mum had a fantastic huge bowl, that I threw (I really really did!) but I could not for the life of me tell you how on earth I did that!!   And if I try now, you’re lucky if  I manage a ring bowl. Honestly, even a teeny one was horribly wonky.

So, ok, maybe I don’t wanna be a potter. But I do, I truly do, want to be able to make some money from this realm of ceramics. I love it!

Handbuilding is my forte.   I have made some really big things, once upon a time and smoke fired them (I’ll tell you all about another day, it is So much fun! Ooh the excitement!)

Dear lord, might I one day call myself <hushed reverential tones> a Ceramic Artist. oh golly, that would just be wonderful.

But it seems, in this day and age (no I’m not in my sixties though I know that little statement made me sound like I was) that you have to be all about the ‘online presence’ so, here goes <deep breath>

Welcome to me

or my blog

or my newly emerging online presence. . . . .

I’m not sure I’m doing this right, am I?